Advanced Misting System V5.0
With a 3/8" Backbone, The Advanced Misting System is a significantly more powerful system than the Starter or Ultimate systems. Unless you're going to exceed 15-20 nozzles, we don't recommend upgrading to this misting system. It features a pump capable of pressures up to 125psi, which can easily run 10-70 nozzles of your choice.
Items included in the kit:
- Large capacity diaphragm pump with 3/8" fittings
- 24 volt power adapter
- ST-24 timer
- 12 Value T misting assemblies
- 3 Value L misting assemblies
- 3/8" metal reservoir bulkhead fitting
- 3/8" vall valve
- 2 reducing T connections (3/8" to 1/4")
- 1 reducing L connection (3/8"t o 1/4")
- 3/8" reservoir filter
- (20) 1/4" tubing clips
- (10) 3/8" tubing clips
- 35 ft. of 1/4" tubing
- 15 ft. of 3/8" tubing
- T connector
- L connector
- Zip Drip valve
- Cable Y connector
- Reference manual
This item comes with free shipping.